
My Top 10 of 2019 + A Book Review

While many people look forward to the dawn of a new year and all the promise that a shiny new calendar holds for them, I have to admit that I was a little sad to let go of 2019.  It was a good one.

2016-2018 were years that grew me and stretched me in ways that I never thought possible, but they were very uncertain and anxiety-ridden years that I hope to never replicate.  Looking back, it is crystal clear that those three years served a purpose in my life and in my marriage, so for that I would not trade them for anything.  But I repeat -- I'm not interested in a do-over of them.  No, thank you.

From the start of 2019, I felt a sense of peace and calmness that I hadn't felt in the previous few years, and that warm blanket of emotions never wavered.  It was a year in which I was finally able to take a breath and feel like all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place just as God intended them to. 

The year was so full of reasons to celebrate, rejoice, and thank God for what he has done in my life, so I thought I would look back on 2019 and highlight my top 10 moments of thankfulness and gratitude.  Some of these were memories full of fun and laughter, some with tears of joy, and even tears of grief, but it was through all of these moments that I looked toward the heavens to thank God for my family, my friends, and the life He has blessed me with.   

🖌  Experiencing Board & Brush & other fun times with work pals
⚔  Enjoying time at the River Campus & numerous other "date days" with Mom and Dad
💙 Watching our Northside family grow and evolve
🚚  Derek & Dalton sharing in a career together
🧒  Volunteering with the C.L.A.S.S. organization
🎤 Surprising Cane with Casting Crowns in Memphis
🥀 Celebrating the life of my precious Grandpa Scales
💞 Being very surprised with an anniversary trip to Memphis with Derek
🏩  Loving a fun-filled August weekend in St. Louis with my dudes
⛪ Witnessing my baby boy being baptized

While 2020 is sure to be full of lovely moments that I will cherish forever, I humbly thank God for this past year.  In my many times of doubt during the trying years, undoubtedly God was shaking his head at me saying, "Girl.  I've got this."  And boy was he right.  💗

And now for my first review of the new year. Drum roll, please, because this one is a keeper!  I pledged to read 30 books last year, and ended up reading FIFTY!  I'm shooting for 40 this time, so we'll see what this year has in store for my TBR pile!

 by Megan Angelo


Special thank you to Graydon House for gifting me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

The setting of Followers alternates between New York, New York, in the year of 2051, as well as 36 years prior.

In the earlier years, readers meet Orla Cadden, an aspiring author who is determined to make a name for herself in the literary world someday.  It is through a friendship of sorts with her roommate Floss that Orla is suddenly thrust into the public eye, for better or for worse.  The lines of ethics are definitely blurred with these two women in their quest to be famous.

Fast-forward to NY in 2051, and the storyline follows that of Marlow.  Marlow is a government-appointed celebrity, which means every breath she takes is filed for the public's viewing pleasure.  Quite unlike Orla and Floss, Marlow would do anything to hide away or be free for just a moment; however, that's not something her sponsors would ever allow -- she's just too famous and important to them, and they essentially own her.

I found that the alternating settings took just a bit to get used to, but midway through the book I could see that the two time periods were slowly starting to weave toward one another in a way that made sense to me.  Although the problem Marlow faced seemed so far-fetched, as I read about Orla and Floss and the lengths they would go to be famous, suddenly government-appointed celebrities didn't seem so unrealistic after all.

This was one of the most intriguing books I've read in quite some time.  The timely storyline definitely gives readers something to think about, in terms of how freely our society shares, follows, and divulges private information without pausing to think about what the repercussions might be.

I would recommend this book to adults and young adults alike and although the book is classified as science-fiction, I would note that it is very light on the sci-fi, in my opinion.


Want to read along with me?  Here are the next few books I'm looking forward to reading!

1.  "The Sun Down Motel" by Simone St. James -- Oh, Berkley Publishing -- you have stolen my heart with all of the spectacular advanced copies you are filling my bookcase with.  You make every trip to the post office an exciting voyage to me.  💚  I can't not wait to read this one.  It sounds suspenseful, and creepy, and spooky, and everything I love in a good book.
2.  "Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America" by Beth Macy -- This one has been on best-selling book lists for several months now, and it sounds very interesting to me.  I intend to listen to the audio of it, but am preeeeettttty far down on the waitlist right now at the public library.  Bummer!
3.  "The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling: A Hardcore, High-Flying, No-Holds-Barred History of the One True Sport" by Aubrey Sitterson -- Okay, so don't laugh at me on this one.  My great-grandfather introduced my brother and me to the wonderful world of wrestling when we were just young little things, and I still smile and think of him whenever I see anything wrestling-related.  I mean, what's not to love about it?  
4.  "On the Bright Side: Stories About Friendship, Love, and Being True to Yourself" by Melanie Shankle -- This one does not come out until the end of next month, but please do yourself a favor and pre-order it NOW!  Melanie is my spirit animal, and I will undoubtedly devour this book in one day.  And as for "Cole" who has already given it a 1-star review -- may your mother whip your hiney.

I'd love for you to comment below with any book recommendations you might like to throw my way!  While my TBR (To Be Read) pile is mile-high, there is ALWAYS room for more!  HAPPY READING!

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