Shocking, I know.
Just like my mini-me, Cane, I had a vivid imagination as a child. Jimmy and Kristie, my close pals, were both products of that vivid imagination.
Whenever I sat down for supper in the evenings, Jimmy and Kristie enjoyed supper, too. If I took a drive with my parents to the grocery store, Jimmy and Kristie tagged along. In one instance, my dad and uncle even humored me enough to pick Jimmy and Kristie up from the side of the road to give them a lift. Somehow, Jimmy and Kristie had managed to carve their own paths through Bernie that day, with Dad and Uncle Michael eventually rescuing them from the menacing streets of Pfeffer Subdivision.
Like I said, Jimmy and Kristie were such good friends. And did I mention.....they were imaginary?
I'm a grown woman now, and you know what? I still have imaginary friends who make an impact on my daily life.
Only they are not really my friends.
And they're not imaginary people.
They are, in fact, real people who would probably be more than a little creeped out that I talk about them as if they are my real friends.
You see, there are these four women that I "know," and sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like if I actually got to hang out with them for the day. After reading their books, listening to them at speaking engagements, and stalking their blogs for the past few years, I feel like the five of us would have such a ball together. We'd be besties for certain.
These women are: BooMama {Sophie}, Big Mama {Melanie}, Jen, and Angie. They are super cool, classy mommas. And boy are they god-fearing women.
In my imagination, our moms-only playdate would take place in Melanie's hometown of San Antonio. {Mostly because ever since she wrote this blog post, I've been dying to eat Mexican food in San Antonio, and I can't seem to convince Derek that we need to go there. YET. And also because I could visit family while I'm there.}
The five of us gals would meet up about this time of year. {Mostly because these women seem to REALLY enjoy their football, and like to gather together to cheer on their respective teams. I'm sure I could fake some enthusiasm by yelling, "Hook 'em horns!" at the TV a few times. They'd never know I'm a sports enthusiast FRAUD.}
We would eat, drink, and be merry. Sophie would humor us with her thick southern accent and flair for storytelling. Jen would entertain us with tales of her wild, rambunctious children, and all their shenanigans. Angie would give us hair-styling tips, since she has the most gorgeous mane of hair on the face of the planet. And lastly, Melanie would wow us with some scrumptious, homemade guacamole.
At the end of our visit, we would gather 'round for an evening jam session with the Cartees. Because, since it is my imaginary fun day and all, the Cartees would just happen to be in San Antonio that day, and would be dying to hang with us girls for an hour or so.
So how does this whole disturbing talk of my imaginary friends tie in to this month's Stitch Fix blog? Well, these women not only inspire me in my daily walk with Christ, and in navigating my way through this thing called "parenting," but they also inspire my taste in fashion.
Each of these four women are mommas with style, which is no easy feat to accomplish sometimes. It seems as though the general consensus is that once a gal becomes a momma, she's not supposed to try to be stylish anymore. Let's face it, though. Fashion is just FUN no matter how old you are. {Plus, there is a huge difference between wanting to be a hip and fashionable mother, and trying to contend with Kris Jenner.}
My Stitch Fix this month was THE BEST YET. It was so good, and it was so ME. I desperately wanted to keep all five items, but just couldn't swing it this month.
So here we have it. Lucky Fix #4:
ITEM #1: Liam Stone & Fringe Pendant Necklace (by Bay to Baubles)
I'm wearing this necklace in the photo below. I had pinned this necklace on Pinterest, so I was excited to see it in my box. However, after careful consideration, I did decide to send it back. I think it was because my last Stitch Fix necklace broke already, and I'm still feeling a tad bitter about that.
Status: Sent Back
ITEM #2: Sam Hi-Lo Short Sleeve Tee (by Market and Spruce)
Oh, the gray tee.... Another item that I really, truly wanted to keep. Yes, it is a plain gray tee. But it is not just any plain gray tee. It is the softest plain gray tee known to man. I bet you Jen Aniston has one, since she seems to be a big fan of plain tees. However, after much deliberation once again, I did decide to send it back. It was $44, which is too much for a plain gray tee. So long, my soft friend.
Status: Sent Back
ITEM #3: Moni Stud Detailed 3/4 Sleeve Blouse (by 41Hawthorn)
Low and behold, another item I had pinned on Pinterest {even though the one I pinned was in a floral print, I believe}. Upon opening the box, this was the one item that I said I wouldn't keep. My mother always complains that I wear too much black and that I need more COLOR. After trying the top on, I knew I'd keep it. I just love to wear black for some reason, and I love the embellished details on the bib and sleeves. You can't see from the picture, but the cuffs of the sleeves have a really cute slit detail on the back.
Status: Wore the Next Day!
ITEM #4: Essie Mixed Stripe Cardigan (by Fate)
Here it new favorite article of clothing, which I had ALSO pinned on Pinterest. {Three cheers for this month's Stitch Fix stylist!} When I tried this cardigan on, Derek was confused by the way it hangs long in the front, but is waist-length in the back. I tried explaining to him, to no avail, that this is the new style. As Derek is a man who thinks style is very silly, he remained perplexed by the way this cardigan is made. I happen to love it to pieces.
Status: One of My New Faves
ITEM #5: Alexander Graphic Knit Drape Front Cardigan (by Moon Collection)

I almost couldn't force myself to drop my return items off at the post office this time, knowing this gem was sealed inside. I loved this. I really, really, really did. It was everything Aztec that I had been wanting. I know you might find this incredibly hard to believe, BUT....I had also pinned this on Pinterest! In case you were counting, that was 4 out of my 5 Stitch Fix items that were actually pinned on Pinterest. Unreal! Anyway, this picture is a bit unflattering, but this cardigan was SO awesomely warm and everything I wanted. Sadly, the price tags on these two cardigans made it impossible to justify keeping both. So this one had to go. {Excuse me while I shed a tear.}
Status: Sent Back
So the lesson I've learned from this month's Stitch Fix is to......just keep pinning, just keep pinning, just keep pinning, pinning, pinning. What do we do? We pin, pin, pin.
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